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Aggravating factirs


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Frequently Asked Questions

My wife has rosacea. Can I catch the disease?
No, rosacea is not an infectious disease and is not transmitted by physical contact.

I have rosacea in the central part of my face. Does that mean that I will also get it on other parts of the body?
Rosacea may affect other parts of the body such as the neck, chest and back but this is rare.

I have recovered from rosacea. Does it frequently reoccur? How can I prevent this?
Patients need a treatment schedule that is determined by the stage and the severity of rosacea and often needs continuation when minor lesions persist. If patients are cured they keep the disposition to flushing and developing rosacea lesions. Patients should prevent aggravating factors.

I am on isotretinoin for rosacea. How long do I have to take this?
The intake of isotretinoin is usually recommended in a dosage of 0.1 - 0.5 mg/kg body weight. The dosage and the duration of this therapy depends on the severity of the disease. The treatment schedule should be fixed by your dermatologist and needs close-meshed care.

Can I use my cosmetic products again once rosacea has improved or healed?
Usually, rosacea patients have skin that is more vulnerable to chemical and physical stimuli compared than that in non-affected. We therefore recommend to use special products for rosacea patients that have regard for skin conditions such as seborrhoea and vasodilatation. Sun screen should be used when exposed to the sun. Topicals containing blood supplying ingredients should not be applied.

Is there a certain diet to help rosacea curing?
No, there is no rosacea-specific diet. Rosacea patients should not eat hot and spicy food, drink alcoholic or hot beverages because this kind of food can induce flushing and therefore cause vasodilatation that aggravates rosacea.

Is rosacea equivalent to an allergic reaction?
No, rosacea is not an allergic reaction. The mechanism behind completely differs. It may happen that rosacea patients additionally develop contact allergy but the frequency of this is the same compared to non-affected individuals.

Do patients with acne frequently develop rosacea?
No, these are two different diseases. There is a clinical similarity to acne in some stages and patients but if a patient does develop one disease, it does not mean that he/she will develop the other one.

Does rosacea lead to scarring?
Usually, rosacea does not lead to scarring. Thickening and coarsening of the skin can persist for some time after the acute lesions resolved. In severe forms such as rosacea fulminans and rosacea conglobata, scarring of the skin may occur, especially when nodules, abscesses and draining sinus are predominant. Early evidence suggests that in general the potential for scarring runs in families but this remains to be proven. Patients must not sqeeze or press the lesions because this frequently leads to scarring of the skin. Uni Heidelberg